ruby on rails - How to go from a relation to a relation of associated model in Active Record -

ruby on rails - How to go from a relation to a relation of associated model in Active Record -

i have had sort of situation

class post has_many :comments end

now if have relation of posts, how relation of comments on posts.

what looking

post.where(user: user).comments

but wont work. missing obvious here? seems mutual utilize case.

basically when post.where(user: user).includes(:comments) preloading requisite comments already, want access them directly, without post.where(user: user).includes(:comments).map{|p| p.comments}.flatten.uniq or that..

i'd define scope

scope :comments_in_user_posts, -> (user) { where(user: user).includes(:comments).map{|p| p.comments}.flatten }

then utilize post.comments_in_user_posts(user).


another alternative utilize comment.where(post: post.where(user: user))

ruby-on-rails ruby rails-activerecord


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