android - In Qt socket write data is not reaching the server -

android - In Qt socket write data is not reaching the server -

writing simple application communicate android device pc qt application.

on initial startup of app, succesfully able connect android app.

my signals:

connect(socket, signal(connected()),this, slot(connected())); connect(socket, signal(readyread()),this, slot(readyread())); void myapp::connected() { qdebug() << "connected..."; socket->write("init connection \n"); socket->flush(); } void myapp::readyread() { qstring readdata; qdebug() << "reading..."; while(socket->bytesavailable()) readdata= socket->readall(); qdebug()<<"read finished"; if(socket->iswritable()) { qdebug()<<"yes writable"; socket->write("new data"); socket->flush(); } else qdebug()<<"no writable"; }

in connected method socket->write successful , android app able read info in readyread, socket->write returning number of bytes written not reaching android app.

note: on application close or socket close, info read @ server end running in android app.

tell me if more info required.

edit: app running on tablet , qt pc app. both running on same network (intranet).

2.created qtcpscoket in single program.

3.created serversocket on android app , on socket>connecttohost(server_ip,portno,qiodevice::readwrite); @ qt app onconnected method called.subsequently socket->write("init connection \n"); read @ android app.

i can't leave comments, i'll write here. can utilize qiodevice function bool qiodevice::waitforbyteswritten(int msecs) [virtual] instead of bool flush(). if pc application stops problem in writing info in sec time. or can check value returned function flush().

android c++ qt sockets


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