javascript - Why doesn't Angular.element/jqlite find top-level elements? -

javascript - Why doesn't Angular.element/jqlite find top-level elements? -

when writing mocha/chai test angular view, i've discovered jqlite (since i'm not using jquery), won't find top-level elements.

i've boiled downwards simple example:

/* jshint expr:true */ describe( "view", function() { 'use strict'; var $compile, $rootscope; beforeeach( inject( function( _$compile_, _$rootscope_ ) { $compile = _$compile_; $rootscope = _$rootscope_; } ) ); var view; beforeeach( function() { var html = "<div><span>div[0].span</span><p>div[0].p</p></div><div><h1>div[1].h1</h1><p>div[1].p</div>"; view = $compile( angular.element( html ) )( $rootscope ); } ); it( "should find 2 p tags", function() { expect( view.find( "p" ).length ).to.equal( 2 ); } ); it( "should find 1 span tag", function() { expect( view.find( "span" ).length ).to.equal( 1 ); } ); it( "should find 2 div tags", function() { expect( view.find( "div" ).length ).to.equal( 2 ); } ); } );

in example, first 2 tests pass, 3rd fails:

view ✓ should find 2 p tags ✓ should find 1 span tag ✗ should find 2 div tags assertionerror: expected 0 equal 2 @ ...

this seems because divs top-level elements, span , p tags beneath them. if enclose whole thing in tag, 3rd test start pass.


.find searches descendants reply 0.


given jquery object represents set of dom elements, .find() method allows search through descendants of these elements in dom tree , build new jquery object matching elements. .find() , .children() methods similar, except latter travels single level downwards dom tree

javascript angularjs karma-runner chai


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