c# - How do I handle blank strings and invalid Uri's in a text box bound to a uri property -

c# - How do I handle blank strings and invalid Uri's in a text box bound to a uri property -

in wpf application, have text box bound property uri.

<textbox grid.column="1" grid.row="10" margin="0,0,4,4" x:name="txtexporturl" text="{binding path=projectexporturl, mode=twoway}" visibility="{binding permissions.canexportjson, source={x:static services:applicationuserinfo.instance}, converter={staticresource booltovisibilityconverter}}"/>

i'm trying validation on string coming text box follows

private uri _projectexporturl; public uri projectexporturl { { homecoming _projectexporturl; } set { if(uri.trycreate(value, value.absoluteuri, out _projectexporturl)) _projectexporturl = value; else _projectexporturl = null; this.onpropertychanged("projectexporturl"); } }

the problem is, when string blank or invalid uri , trycreate doesn't fail , go else statement. fails , nothing.

how can create sure blank strings , invalid uri's set null?

do mean that?

if(value == null || string.isnullorempty(value.tostring()) || !uri.trycreate(value, value.absoluteuri, out _projectexporturl)) _projectexporturl = null; onpropertychanged("projectexporturl");

not sure blank uri.

c# .net wpf uri


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