android - Can't open port 5228 for GCM use -

android - Can't open port 5228 for GCM use -

so here goes. i'm trying implement gcm on android app. server part went plenty far client.. client didn't seem messages google server. searched web issue , saw might because port 5228 blocked. searched 1 time again how find our whether thats problem , found command suppose tell me if port open or not:

telnet domain_name port_number

so ran command:

telnet localhost 5228

and sure plenty got response:

connecting localhost...could not open connection host, on port 5228: connect failed

i didn't gave , tried figure out how open port , found windows manuel still no go , telnet command above brings same results. gave up, if can assist or @ to the lowest degree point wrong in did far great.

android google-cloud-messaging windows-firewall


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