How to change MySQL data directory on windows? -

How to change MySQL data directory on windows? -

i went location c:\programdata\mysql\mysql server 5.6 find my.ini, modified datadir to: datadir=c:/programdata/mysql/mysql server 5.6/dataz

i added letter z original path, created dataz folder in mysql server 5.6 directory.

then closed , opened mysql restart it

i haven't been able create work. missing?

2 hours later...

i wasn't restarting mysql server properly, clicking mysql command client close button. told had restart computer changes take effect, if didn't know how restart mysql server properly.

after doing dataz folder had new files. new because wasn't able create files before appeared after restart computer.

now, mysql command client shows error , closes after come in password. can't see error because error shown 1 sec or less

if alter info directory, have re-create or move info inside, new directory! database file includes mysql configuration so, reason why mysql doesn't start because doesn't find mysql configuration schema..

hope english language clear



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