Worklight app updates every time after opening app and calling adapter call -

Worklight app updates every time after opening app and calling adapter call -

i using worklight 6.2 consumer edition , has done next configuration formy app:

application-descriptor.xml configuration

<iphone applicationid="myapp" bundleid="" version="1.0" securitytest="customtests"> <worklightsettings include="false"/> <security> <encryptwebresources enabled="false"/> <testwebresourceschecksum enabled="false" ignorefileextensions="png, jpg, jpeg, gif, mp4, mp3"/> </security> </iphone>

authenticationconfig.xml configuration **

<customsecuritytest name="customtests"> <test realm="wl_antixsrfrealm" step="1"/> <test realm="wl_authenticityrealm" step="1"/> <test realm="wl_remotedisablerealm" step="1"/> <test realm="wl_anonymoususerrealm" isinternaluserid="true" step="1"/> <test realm="wl_deviceautoprovisioningrealm" isinternaldeviceid="true" step="2"/> </customsecuritytest>


i publish update app --> open app --> phone call adapter procedure --> app inquire update --> app gets updated --> close app --> open app --> phone call adapter procedure --> app inquire update.

everytime when close app , calls adapter procedure above scenario happening. device not keeping updated resources or there problem in configuration?

i can think of 2 scenarios trigger repeated direct update requests:

the web resources installed on device differ deployed worklight server or vice versa; need create sure re-deploy updated .wlapp if making changes (and installing app eclipse device, not update server; recipe repeated direct update requests).

you have several servers in topology, not synced , whenever app connects (if have load balancer), jumps between servers, 1 updated , other not updated. .wlapp should deployed servers, more importantly, server should set-up farm of servers.

worklight worklight-server worklight-runtime


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