oracle - impdp error with two excluded tables -

oracle - impdp error with two excluded tables -

i trying import dump following:

echo "exit" | sqlplus sys/pass sysdba @abc_stage_v2.sql impdp abc_stage_v2/abc_stage_v2 remap_schema=abc_def_live:abc_stage_v2 remap_tablespace=abc_def_live:abc_stage_v2 table_exists_action=replace reuse_datafiles=n exclude=table:"in('audittracking','table_statistics')" nologfile=y dumpfile=abc_def.dmp directory=abc_v2

but complains about:

lrm-00116: syntax error @ ')' next 'table_statistics'

i have tried parfile next content:

root@ts1:/opt/import# cat parfile.par remap_schema=abc_def_live:abc_stage_v2 remap_tablespace=abc_def_live:abc_stage_v2 table_exists_action=replace reuse_datafiles=n exclude=table:"in('audittracking','table_statistics')" nologfile=y dumpfile=abc_def.dmp directory=abc_v2

and execute:

echo "exit" | sqlplus sys/pass sysdba @abc_stage_v2.sql impdp abc_stage_v2/abc_stage_v2 parfile=filename.par

and result same... doesn't work.

have tried using parfile? i've had instances hated cli syntax putting in parfile cleans right up.

oracle impdp


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