c# - Can't install RestSharp for Mobile Apps into visual Studio for Xamarin -

c# - Can't install RestSharp for Mobile Apps into visual Studio for Xamarin -

i want utilize restsharp project visual studio xamarin, got error :

installing 'restsharp 105.0.0'. installed 'restsharp 105.0.0'. adding 'restsharp 105.0.0' wikeepet. uninstalling 'restsharp 105.0.0'. uninstalled 'restsharp 105.0.0'. install failed. rolling back... not install bundle 'restsharp 105.0.0'. trying install bundle project targets 'portable-net45+win+wpa81+wp80+monoandroid10+monotouch10', bundle not contain assembly references or content files compatible framework. more information, contact bundle author.

my projet mobile apps : blank apps (xamarin.forms portable)

any help appreciated.

so found answer, user1 in comments upstair.

the reply easy : there nil restsharp in pcl. if want utilize restsharp, need interface or install 3 references , coding few lines each projects !

c# android visual-studio visual-studio-2013 xamarin


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