java - Can i generate a xlsx file with the Writer class? -

java - Can i generate a xlsx file with the Writer class? -

is there way generate xlsx file using writer class in java?

the method utilize generate workbook converted byte array:

private byte[] generatexlsxbytes() { xssfworkbook workbook = new xssfworkbook(); bytearrayoutputstream baos = new bytearrayoutputstream(); workbook.write(baos); baos.close(); homecoming baos.tobytearray(); }

i seek write bytes author doing this:

writer author = ..get writer.. ioutils.write(generatexlsbytes(), writer);

but when seek open file in excel message saying markup of file not right extension(xlsx).

i work custom made framework won't allow me utilize fileoutputstream write straight file. appreciate if tell me way utilize writer.

@a4l give thanks explaining me.

writers not meant writing raw bytes.

i asked 1 of coworkers create alter in framework, utilize outputstream

java xssf


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