Read in image file sequence in C++ w/o using opencv -

Read in image file sequence in C++ w/o using opencv -

given image files

lights000.rgbe lights001.rgbe lights002.rgbe ... lights899.rgbe

are located in single subfolder. best way read 1 file next?

given read command .rgbe called readhdr(char* filename)

i have seen several questions regrading problem utilize opencv. not using opencv , .rgbe not supported opencv file extension method wouldn't work.

i saw next code different question:

char* dataset_dir( "c:/data/" ); // or take argv[1] cv::mat normal_matrix; std::vector<cv::mat>* image_stack; for( int i=1; i<=endnumber; ++i ) { // gives entire stack of images go through image_stack->push_back(cv::imread(std::format("%s/%03d-capture.png", dataset, i), cv_load_image_color)); normal_matrix = cv::imread(std::format("%s/%03d-capture.png", dataset, i), cv_load_image_color); }

but cannot find info on std::format command or dataset_dir.

any advice how split file name string 3 parts helpful.

split into:

char name = "lights"; int num = "000"; char file = ".rgbe;

here's simple solution, how split filename strings criteria specified:

#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <sstream> using namespace std; int main() { istringstream filename("lights042.rgbe"); string name; int num; string file; while(filename && !isdigit(filename.peek())) { char c; filename >> c; name += c; } filename >> num; filename >> file; cout << "name = '" << name << "'" << endl; cout << "num = " << num << endl; cout << "file = '" << file << "'" << endl; homecoming 0; }


name = 'lights' num = 42 file = '.rgbe'

see live demo please.



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