c++ - FreeType Text Rendering under DirectX 11 -

c++ - FreeType Text Rendering under DirectX 11 -

at moment want render single char freetype , directx 11. how can create "id3d11shaderresourceview" ft_bitmap? tried "d3dx11createshaderresourceviewfromfile" , "d3dx11createtexturefromfile" both doesn't work.

has tutorial or code snippet me?

since ft_bitmap bitmap loaded memory, can't utilize functions create texture file. instead, you'll want utilize function create texture memory.

you utilize d3dxcreateshaderresourceviewfrommemory, d3dx library deprecated. mentioned on page, might want instead utilize directxtk or directxtex library create texture memory.

alternatively, can create d3d texture , shader resource view manually using id3d11device::createtexture2d , id3d11device::createshaderresourceview.

the tricky part determine dxgi_format use. need match ft_pixel_mode of bitmap.

c++ directx-11 freetype


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