Does AngularJS help out in any way when it comes to have a duration counter on my web page? -

Does AngularJS help out in any way when it comes to have a duration counter on my web page? -

i have application uses angular ui-router. when router set state have timer set illustration 2 hours. while set state have counter count down. have time remaining display on screen.

does have code illustration on how go implementing functionality? if has done similar appreciate advice give.

i using countdown service purpose in project. per requirement can utilize service below :

start init on first page

app.controller('view1ctrl', function($scope, $cscountdown){ $cscountdown.init(2 * 3600); // 2 hours $scope.countdown = $; })

start counter on sec page

app.controller('view2ctrl', function($scope, $cscountdown){ $cscountdown.start(); $scope.countdown = $; })

you can display value on page using countdown.stringvalue

<h1>time : {{countdown.stringvalue}}</h1>

you can see working plunker link. have created view1 & view2 transition animation.


i have update plunker 2 have practical example.

initially see instruction page, timer initialized 2 hours.

then move questions 1, timer starts

from question 1 can go help page, timer pauses

then move question 2, timer resumes...



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