d3.js - doughnut chart with axis information -

d3.js - doughnut chart with axis information -

i draw dougnut charts axis , y axis headings given below though x-axis info constant , y -axis depends on tsv file input. had tied utiize script n (http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/1305337 , http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/raw/3888852/ woirk out . unable

place1 place 2 place3 season1 season2 season1 season2 season1 season2

name1 chart1 chart2 chart1 chart2 chart1 chart2 name2 chart1 chart2 chart1 chart2 chart1 chart2 name3 chart1 chart2 chart1 chart2 chart1 chart2

my tsv file looks this

state color 1 color 2 color 3 color 4 source s1 310504 552339 259034 450818 a1 s2 52083 85640 42153 74257 a1 s1 515910 828669 362642 601943 a1 s2 202070 343207 157204 264160 a1 s1 2704659 4499890 2159981 3853788 a1 s2 358280 587154 261701 466194 a1 s1 211637 403658 196918 325110 a2 s2 59319 99496 47414 84464 a2 s1 36352 50439 25225 75569 a2 s2 1140516 1938695 925060 1607297 a2 s1 740521 1250460 557860 919876 a2 s2 87207 134025 64011 124834 a2



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