android - How to disable D/libc from logging network information into logcat? -

android - How to disable D/libc from logging network information into logcat? -

i getting lot of debugging log in android logcat this:

10-16 17:21:38.422 22842-23270/package d/libc﹕ [net] getaddrinfo+,hn 23(0x696d616765732e),sn(),family 0,flags 4 10-16 17:21:38.422 22842-23270/package d/libc﹕ [net] getaddrinfo-,err=8 10-16 17:21:38.422 22842-23270/package d/libc﹕ [net] getaddrinfo+,hn 23(0x696d616765732e),sn(),family 0,flags 1024 10-16 17:21:38.422 22842-23270/package d/libc﹕ [net] getaddrinfo-, 1 10-16 17:21:38.422 22842-23270/package d/libc﹕ [net] getaddrinfo_proxy+ 10-16 17:21:38.432 22842-23270/package d/libc﹕ [net] getaddrinfo_proxy-, success

i not sure come because did not have such tag in codes, related network activities.

you can add together ^(?!(libc)) in logcat filter

1) create logcat filter

2) apply regex

you can remove differents tags adding tag's name seperate | in regex.

example : ^(?!(libc|tagname2|tagname3|...))

android logcat android-logcat


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