utf 8 - CKeditor - bad utf8 encoding -

utf 8 - CKeditor - bad utf8 encoding -

i inquire help problem:

i have been using ckeditor long time, few weeks ago realized there problem utf8 encoding. have correctly set utf8 encoding in meta tag , in mysql db, (there set utf8_czech_ci).

for example, input "ě š č ř ž" output (saved db) "Ä› Å¡ Ä Å™ ž"

where problem?

thank you

if want, can use:

class="snippet-code-js lang-js prettyprint-override">ckeditor.config.entities_processnumerical = 'force'; //whether convert remaining characters not included in ascii character table relative decimal numeric representation of html entity. when set force, convert entities format. illustration : 汉语."

it convert "ě š č ř ž" & # 34; & # 283; & # 353; & # 269; & # 345; & # 382; & # 34;

utf-8 ckeditor


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