how to read this xml in sql server -

how to read this xml in sql server -

i having xml result webservice api . need parse result , update database table. xml below . response text.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <double>1</double>

sqlserver 2008 code :

declare @xml xml, @rate decimal(10,4) set @xml=replace(@responsetext ,'encoding="utf-8"','') select @rate= @xml.value('(/double)[1]','decimal')

i want value of double homecoming null .

please help me out .

hi , have done changes per suggestion still no getting.

declare @xml xml declare @responsetext varchar(900) declare @rate decimal(10,4) set @responsetext = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <double xmlns="">1</double>' set @xml=replace(@responsetext ,'encoding="utf-8"','') select @rate= @xml.value('(/double)[1]','decimal') select @rate

declare @x xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <double xmlns="">1</double>' select @x.value ('declare namespace x=""; (/x:double)[1]', 'decimal')

updated reflect utilize of namespace; general point don't need string manipulation create work. header supported. however, namespaces important.

sql sql-server-2008


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