ruby on rails - I18n.locale getting reset to :en in between controller and the view -

ruby on rails - I18n.locale getting reset to :en in between controller and the view -

i'm trying internationalize rails/spree app using spree's own spree_i18n gem, can't work.

i made minimal app recreates problem here.

to cutting long story short, have next code in applicationcontroller:

before_action :set_locale def set_locale i18n.locale = params[:locale] || i18n.default_locale puts i18n.locale end

and code in view should translated (<%= t("whatever") %>). no matter do, text output in english.

with additional code debugging, can see 1 time set_locale called while execution still within controller, locale right (e.g. if visit url /?locale=es, puts statement in above controller code outputs es).

but time execution has reached view, locale has somehow been reset en. (e.g. adding <% raise i18n.locale.to_s %> within view raises "en" error message.)

i've opened issue on spree's github because far can tell i've followed instructions , it's still not working, may still missing something. why isn't locale getting set properly?

(note: should add together spree.t doesn't work either, not t.)

edit: if @ comment on github issue, you'll see got working. however, i'm 99% sure solution hack , there's improve method should using. bounty goes whoever can tell me i'm dong wrong.

spree i18n gives way set default language: on config/application.rb config.i18n.default_locale = :es

and possibility of setting languages changed. perhaps on config/initializers/spree_i18n.rb

spreei18n::config.available_locales = [:en, :es, :de] spreei18n::config.supported_locales = [:en, :es, :de]

after that, can remove set_locale on applicationcontroller, because has no effect.

with @ place, works charm.


i alter message of error because want sure works:

<%= product_description(@product) rescue spree.t(:product_has_no_description) + ' ' + spree.t(:action) %>

and add together new product without description. running server @ localhost

in english language see: "this product has no description action"

in spanish see: "este producto no tiene descripción acción"

in deutsch see: "produkt hat keine beschreibung aktion"

exactly expected.

you can see source changes @ github

ruby-on-rails internationalization locale spree rails-i18n


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