How to find and replace , same but different words in notepad++ -

How to find and replace , same but different words in notepad++ -

so have 2 big list of md5 text file 1 of them in encrypted format , 1 more decrypted format missing format (example)

1st file:

md5 = ea32sd 23fr24r dada45r

2st file:

md5:meanings = 23fr24r:yo (missing) dada45r:hey

so wanna , find same md5 , replace meaning 1 left


23fr24r = 23fr24r:yoo dada45r = dada45r:hey


yoo hey

im sorry if dont points cause english language not first language

script solve problem quite easily. however, can in notepad++ using powerful replacement function on sec file.

replacement 1 (regular expression): ^(?!md5)(\w+): => \1 = \1:

replacement 2 (regular expression): ^(?!(?!md5).*=).*$ => (empty)

replacement 3 (extend) : \n\r => (empty)

that trick.



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