osx - Mac vs Linux (Ubuntu) .ssh config for github -

osx - Mac vs Linux (Ubuntu) .ssh config for github -

i have next configuration on mac os x in /users/andi/.ssh/config:

host github hostname github.com identityfile "~/.ssh/githubik" identitiesonly yes

and can run git clone git@github:andilab/mbf.git

i seek same configuration on ubunut (14.04 on ec2). config in /home/ubuntu/.ssh , wwhen run git clone git@github:andilab/mbf.git get:

cloning 'mbf'... ssh: not resolve hostname github: name or service not known fatal: not read remote repository. please create sure have right access rights , repository exists.

all right know sucks answering own questions on so, maybe help somebody. sudo-ing on server, configs ubuntu user not considered when playing root.

solution: provide configuraiton right user, , works.

linux osx git github ssh


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