bash - Script Gnuplot on windows OS -

bash - Script Gnuplot on windows OS -

i automate generation of graphs list of info files.

more details : have directory contain info files. need generate graph each of these files (hundreds). have gnuplot file generate 1 graph name of info file specified gnuplot script.

for illustration :

plot 'myfile' index 1 using 1:2 linespoints pointtype 2 linecolor rgb "green" title "leg"

i need able replace "myfile" variable name can iterated on files of directory.

you have (windows) batch file next command:

for %%g in (*.dat) gnuplot.exe -e "fn='%%g'" script

this run gnuplot (and script) every .dat file in current directory.

the -e switch used input variables via command line (here filename, surrounded quotes in case contains spaces).

if want run command straight shell (as opposed within batch file), remove 1 of % symbols each of 2 pairs.

within script file:

plot fn index 1 using 1:2 linespoints pointtype 2 linecolor rgb "green" title "leg"

if info files have "normalized" name (e.g. data1.dat, data2.dat...) take @

windows bash automation gnuplot


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