Is VBScript or JavaScript more handy for writing scripts for Enterprise Architect? -

Is VBScript or JavaScript more handy for writing scripts for Enterprise Architect? -

i did complex info gathering in enterprise architect. want automatise writing script.

since have start scratch can freely take scripting language use. ea best supports scripting in javascript , vbscript seems easiest take 1 of them.

is either:

microsoft vbscript or javascript / microsoft jscript

a more handy selection writing new ea-script?

like "are there more ea examples built on 1 of them?" or "is either improve supported ea script editor?"

note: i not looking reply question "which 1 improve javascript or vbscript?" highly debatable.

both languages indeed equal in offer.

vbscript has slight advantage in that

most of documentation in ea help file written examples in vb, resembles syntax used in vbscript. it easier create input dialog vbscript jscript according this post on sparx forum

javascript vbscript automation jscript enterprise-architect


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