oracle - Not seeing the complete resultset from LISTAGG in EVALUATE_AGGR -

oracle - Not seeing the complete resultset from LISTAGG in EVALUATE_AGGR -

i'm using next function nowadays column

column formula

evaluate_aggr('listagg(%1,%2) within grouping (order %3 desc)', "product"."namecode",',',"product"."namecode")

the resultant column should resulting comma separated names of product code names(each code of 2 characters).

the issue here is, i'm seeing maximum of 7 product code names(along 6 commas in between them) resulting in maximum of 20 characters. though resultant set has more 7 product codenames.

do have limit in obiee, respect number of characters beingness displayed 20. can setting changed. if can, can alter it.

could please help me in regard

use cast

cast( evaluate_aggr('listagg(%1,%2) within grouping (order %3 desc)', "product"."namecode",',',"product"."namecode") as char(250))

oracle analytics evaluate obiee


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