Yasnippet installing with cask in Emacs error -

Yasnippet installing with cask in Emacs error -

i've been trying install yasnippet using cask, can't work. i've installed other packages using cask , seem work, yasnippet won't load. error when opened emacs , have added (yas-global-mode 1) init.el file.

warning (initialization): error occurred while loading `/home/adam/.emacs.d/init.el': error: don't know how create localized variable alias ensure normal operation, should investigate , remove cause of error in initialization file. start emacs `--debug-init' alternative view finish error backtrace.

cask has been erased , reinstalled in home folder. yasnippet map in /home/adam/.emacs.d/.cask/24.3.1/elpa/ has been erased , reinstalled cask.

thanks in advance help!

edit: emacs --debug-init

debugger entered--lisp error: (error "don't know how create localized variable alias") defvaralias(yas/fallback-behavior yas-fallback-behavior) byte-code("\304\211\203?

emacs yasnippet


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