(android ndk) libyuv of the library convert argb to nv21 (yuv420sp) usage? -

(android ndk) libyuv of the library convert argb to nv21 (yuv420sp) usage? -

how convert argb nv21 (yuv420sp) in android ndk?

720 * 1280 inquire if should go next parameters api alter color format of image size.

argb image info size 3,686,400. (width : 720 height : 1280 bitperpixel : 32 byteperpexel: 4)

api downwards https://code.google.com/p/libyuv/

int argbtonv21 (const uint8 * src_argb, int src_stride_argb, uint8 * dst_y, int dst_stride_y, uint8 * dst_vu, int dst_stride_vu, int width, int height);

what meaning of parameters? int src_stride_argb? int dst_stride_y? int int dst_stride_vu?

please help simple example.

dst_stride_argb number of bytes in row of dst_argb plane. same dst_width, recommended alignment 16 bytes improve efficiency. if rotation of 90 or 270 used, stride affected. caller should allocate buffer according rotation.

dst_stride_y number of bytes in row of dst_y plane. if rotation of 90 or 270 used, stride affected.

(taken convert_argb.h, modifications)

android android-ndk libyuv


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