iphone - TableView and CollectionView position & size automatically gets change in Storyboard in iOS -

iphone - TableView and CollectionView position & size automatically gets change in Storyboard in iOS -

i have searched alot found nil on issue.... :(

i have added collectionview , 2 tableview in storyboard.

every thing working fine.

now problem both tableviews , collectionview automatically gets alter position & size , moved in storyboard's left upper corner.

almost hide themselves.

when drag them 1 1 , alter layout / position, 1 time again alter position , size when select other object(button/label) on storyboard.

here screen shoot take of storyboard.

i have removed / deleted storyboard , congifure 1 time again start problem same :(

what happening.... don't know here?

please help me on issue.

collectionview behing misplaced tableview in storyboard's left upper corner.

haven't worked much xcode version 6, issue maybe arising due autolayout or new view size properties introduced in xcode 6 & above. seek disabling autolayout.

ios iphone uitableview storyboard uicollectionview


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