c# - Modifiy JSON Date time object format -

c# - Modifiy JSON Date time object format -

hi writing json webservice returns datetime.

it returning date time in epoch format. possible modify json date format returns.

code snippet

[servicecontract] public interface itmappservices { [operationcontract] [webget(uritemplate = "/test", requestformat = webmessageformat.json, responseformat = webmessageformat.json)] datetime getdata(); }

actual implementaiton

public class tmappservices : itmappservices { public datetime getdata() { homecoming datetime.now; } }

i returning datetime.now in c#

output in epoch format :


i want output in same format returned c# or if datetime sql

it looks you're writing wcf service. default, wcf uses datacontractjsonserializer json serialization - uses format.

you should consider either replacing json.net - or preferably, writing service asp.net webapi instead - uses json.net.

json.net (by default) utilize iso-8601 serialization format. preferred format sending dates on wire, in json. example, "2014-10-15t21:54:00-07:00".

you should not utilize dd mm yyyy format, json intended machine readable. if machine mm dd yyyy civilization attempts read string, misinterpret value. example, "1/2/2014" can read either jan 2nd, or feb 1st.

as aside - should consider using datetimeoffset type in .net instead of datetime.

c# json datetime


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