Rpg batch level system error? -

Rpg batch level system error? -

so seem find hard set 'if' statement within 'if' statement. have labels gotos set correctly error occurs when code goes levelstats

the code meant, 1 time player has met max exp, go next level. lvlguage checks see if exp requirements met. works fine. goes levelstats , prompt closes.

:lvlguage if %charexp% geq %charmaxexp% ( goto levelstats ) goto menu :levelstats ::the error starts here if %charlevel%==1 ( goto level2 ) goto menu if %charlevel%==2 ( goto level3 ) goto menu :: goes on till level 10 :level2 if %charexp% geq 100 ( set /a charexp=%charexp% -100 set charmaxexp=280 set charlevel=2 set /a charattack=(%charattack% * 1.5) + 1 goto levelup ) goto menu :level3 if %charexp% geq 280 ( set /a charexp=%charexp% -280 set charmaxexp=784 set charlevel=3 set /a charattack=(%charattack% * 1.5) + 1 goto levelup ) goto menu :levelup cls echo have leveled up. timeout 2 >nul goto menu

your variables calculated 1 time when script starts. take ath this: http://www.ss64.com/nt/delayedexpansion.html

you need add together setlocal enabledelayedexpansion @ origin @ script , adress vars !varname! instead of %varname% when want changed values. give lastly set value of variable instead of first assigned value.

batch-file level


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