- Build HTMLTable from C# Serverside with InnerHtml string - - Build HTMLTable from C# Serverside with InnerHtml string -

i trying loop through client side html table contents on c# server side. setting html table runat="server" not alternative because conflicts javascript in use.

i utilize ajax pass clientside html table's innerhtml server side method. thought able simple create htmltable variable in c# , set innerhtml property when realized not possible because got error {"'htmltable' not back upwards innerhtml property."}

for simplicity , lets innerhtml string passed client server is:

string myinnerhtml = "<colgroup>col width="100"/></colgroup><tbody><tr><td>hello</td></tr></tbody>"

i followed post stack overflow question can not quite working.

can point out errors?

string myinnerhtml = "<colgroup>col width="100"/></colgroup><tbody><tr><td>hello</td></tr></tbody>" htmltable table = new htmltable(); system.text.stringbuilder sb = new system.text.stringbuilder(myinnerhtml); tw = new; htmltextwriter hw = new htmltextwriter(tw); table.rendercontrol(hw); (int = 0; < table.rows.count; i++) { (int c = 0; c < table.rows[i].cells.count; i++) { // cell contents } }

hope helps,

string myinnerhtml = @"<table> <colgroup>col width='100'/></colgroup> <tbody> <tr> <td>hello 1</td><td>hello 2</td> </tr> <tr> <td>hello 3</td><td>hello 4</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>"; dataset ds = new dataset(); ds.readxml(new xmltextreader(new stringreader(myinnerhtml))); var tr = ds.tables["tr"]; var td = ds.tables["td"]; foreach (datarow trrow in tr.rows) foreach(datarow tdrow in td.asenumerable().where(x => (int)x["tr_id"] == (int)trrow["tr_id"])) console.writeline( tdrow["tr_id"] + " | " + tdrow["td_text"]); output ========================= //0 | hello 1 //0 | hello 2 //1 | hello 3 //1 | hello 4

c# htmlcontrols


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