mysql - sql query update table with missing fields from another table -

mysql - sql query update table with missing fields from another table -

i have issue sql query/sp i'm trying update table has missing info in specific fields table info in same fields exists , valid. trick here anchor on value in first table. can create work insert into / select from combo, creates duplicate record.

im using mysql 5.x. here details. table missing info thisweek , table valid info lastweek. field 1 macaddress (which exists , anchor) , exists in both tables (for ex. be:ef:ba:be:ca:fe), fields 2-10 in thisweek blank (''), there info in same fields(fields2-10) in table lastweek.

update thisweek set thisweek.field2 = lastweek.field2 thisweek.macaddress = lastweek.macaddress , thisweek.filed2 = '';

i know query isn't anywhere close, looking help. again, same macaddress exists in both tables, difference between tables beingness field2 in thisweek blank (and shouldn't be) , needs equal lastweek.field2 macaddress.

thanks all.

i think want following:

update tw set tw.field2 = lw.field2 thisweek tw bring together lastweek lw on tw.macaddress = lw.macaddress tw.field2 = ''

mysql sql join


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