ruby on rails - How to read yml file uploaded to aws s3 -

ruby on rails - How to read yml file uploaded to aws s3 -

i have yml file containing credentials , keys. security wondered if upload s3 , access using private url or via aws object.

i tried giving url in development.rb load file didn't work.

next tried creating aws object , access file in s3 bucket.

s3 = key_id: 'xxx', secret_access_key: 'yyy') s3.buckets['my-bucket'].objects['file_name.yml']

i tried putting url, file name without .yml access file , read it. keeps returning me empty {}. have url/file permission?? how can accomplish this?

this first time using aws , not sure if approach right or if best way maintain sensitive info safe. plz guide me on how accomplish this.


i utilize next gem this, much improve yaml implementation.

install , add together to gemfile.

then vim .env or create new file using editor of choice.

add keys:

s3_bucket=yours3bucket secret_key=yoursecretkeygoeshere

and save it.

you can phone call application wherever need s3 keys.

env['s3_bucket'] env['secret_key']

once pushed heorku, updated environment variables, no need force secrets github.

ruby-on-rails amazon-s3 aws-sdk


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