Convert varchar(50) to Date Format 'yyyy-mm-dd' in teradata? -

Convert varchar(50) to Date Format 'yyyy-mm-dd' in teradata? -

i have column defined date format yyyy-mm-dd while creating.

i want insert info other table has column varchar(50)

while selecting , inserting table got error

insert failed. 2665: invalid date.

can help me in casting this?

insert temp_tables.fact ( customer_account_id, lob_start_date, ) sel customer_account_id, i.start_date lob_start_date, #login left bring together journey_table.dotcom_dim d1 on i.pages = d1.page_desc

this illustration of date stored in varchar(50) field : 2014-04-03

thanks in advance

in case helpful, here's query should allow identify rows invalid dates:

select * #login t1 left outer bring together sys_calendar.calendar t2 on t1.start_date = cast (cast(t2.calendar_date date format 'yyyy-mm-dd') char(10)) t2.calendar_date null

any rows homecoming query have invalid dates.



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