iterate through array of hashes in ruby -

iterate through array of hashes in ruby -

so if have array of hashes so: (ruby beginner)

input = [ {"last_name"=>"gay", "first_name"=>"rudy", "display_name"=>"rudy gay", "position"=>"sf", "minutes"=>39, "points"=>25, "assists"=>6}, {"last_name"=>"collison", "first_name"=>"darren", "display_name"=>"darren collison", "position"=>"pg", "minutes"=>39, "points"=>14, "assists"=>4} ]

how iterate through array iterate through each hash have this:

player1 = {display_name=>"rudy gay", "position"=>"sf"}

player2 = {display_name=>"darren collison", "position"=>"pg"}


input.each |x| player.create(name: x['display_name'], position: x['position'] end

(assuming have player model)

is there improve way accomplish this?


given input:

input = [ { "last_name"=>"gay", ... }, { "last_name"=>"collison", ...} ]

if of keys (last_name, first_name, display_name) nowadays in player model, can just:

input.each |x| player.create(x) end

since create take hash of attributes assign. but, better, don't need iterate:


activerecord go through them if give array of hashes.

ruby-on-rails ruby arrays hash


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