ios - iOS7 Compatibility with Xcode 6 -

ios - iOS7 Compatibility with Xcode 6 -

i want create ios8 app compatible ios 7.0 but, gives next error log.

by referring previous questions, have tried re-adding frameworks , making them optional no avail. please help me here.

dyld: symbol not found: _objc_class_$_cikernel referenced from: /var/mobile/applications/3f71e632-c303-4c7e-9da5-be70b8d2c8fd/ expected in: /system/library/frameworks/coreimage.framework/coreimage in /var/mobile/applications/3f71e632-c303-4c7e-9da5-be70b8d2c8fd/

try setting coreimage.framework optional in linked frameworks , libraries section under general tab.

ios ios7 ios8 xcode6


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