Can't publish GitBook, the error message is vague and without detail -

Can't publish GitBook, the error message is vague and without detail -

i'm trying publish i've written gitbook page using gitbook gui on ubuntu 14. i'm going book > publish > book-name

but error appears:

this doesn't happen often, looks broken. hitting button , trying 1 time again might best bet. if doesn't work can head homepage.

there might more info on our status page reporting systems operational.

the book names been set thing on website, , i'm signed in on both programme , website.

i'm not sure i'm meant do.

the current gitbook version 1.1.1 (and previous versions) have bug/issue reported relates error message , vagueness.

the problem experiencing due invalid value specified version when seek publish.

although publish dialog provide hint:

version must semver (ex: 0.0.1, 0.4.5, ...)

there nil in error message help understand version value source of error.

if provide value version in format suggested hint in dialog, believe no longer encounter error.



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