PyCharm: python build-in exceptions unresolved -

PyCharm: python build-in exceptions unresolved -

i have working django pycharm 3.4.1 project have been working on month without problems!

but pycharm for reason marks python build-in exceptions unresolved. other features code completion , debugging remain work fine.

how happend

the issue started created bundle named "exceptions" , tried move few exception-derived classed via "refactor" bundle - operation completed without displaying error involved source files not modified if operation did not happen.

after realizing possible name conflict build-in exceptions deleted folder - putting source files initial state.

additional description at point exceptions ioerror, exception, keyerror not resolved right more. as quickfix ide suggests create respective class, rename reference or ignore problem. the editor shows unresolved reference in project explorer concerned files not underlined red. attempts prepare issue

unfortunate issue remained after i:

closed , reopened project invalidated caches , restarted ide multiple times switched python interpreter

do have ideas or suggestions on how create pycharm these names right 1 time again , resolve issue?

i found way resolve issue:

exported "file types" ide-settings

exchanged filetypes.xml looked

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <application> <component name="filetypemanager" version="11"> <ignorefiles list="cvs;sccs;rcs;rcs;.ds_store;.svn;.pyc;.pyo;*.pyc;*.pyo;.git;*.hprof;_svn;.hg;*.lib;*~;__pycache__;.bundle;*.rbc;*$py.class;" /> <extensionmap> <mapping pattern="" type="plain_text" /> <mapping ext="spec" type="plain_text" /> </extensionmap> </component> </application>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <application> <component name="filetypemanager" version="11"> <ignorefiles list="cvs;sccs;rcs;rcs;.ds_store;.svn;.pyc;.pyo;*.pyc;*.pyo;.git;*.hprof;_svn;.hg;*.lib;*~;__pycache__;.bundle;*.rbc;*$py.class;" /> <extensionmap> <mapping ext="spec" type="plain_text" /> </extensionmap> </component> </application> imported modified settings.jar ide.

after searching 7 hours causes bug exporting settings, resetting ide settings , importing settings module module found solution.

after identifying filetypes module of ide problem tried modify problematic module via settings dialog not find way.

i wander caused ide create the

<mapping pattern="" type="plain_text" />

entry - when trying reproduce issue no longer occur - refactoring operation succeed.

python exception pycharm


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