c++ - Forward declaration of array of QStrings leads to segmentation fault -

c++ - Forward declaration of array of QStrings leads to segmentation fault -

in code have 2 forwards declarations, bool array , qstring array in namesace nlog.

bool works. qstring produces segmentation fault.


class log : public qobject { explicit log(); public: enum facility { third_party_fac, test_fac, __facility_last_element }; enum severity { debug_sev, warning_sev, critical_sev, fatal_sev, __severity_last_element }; }; namespace nlog { extern bool logging_enabled[log::__facility_last_element][log::__severity_last_element]; extern qstring severity_name[log::__severity_last_element]; }; class logstaticinitiallizer { public: logstaticinitiallizer(); }; static logstaticinitiallizer initiallizer=logstaticinitiallizer();


qstring nlog::severity_name[log::__severity_last_element]; bool nlog::logging_enabled[log::__facility_last_element][log::__severity_last_element]; using nlog::logging_enabled; using nlog::severity_name; logstaticinitiallizer::logstaticinitiallizer() { qdebug()<<"0"; qdebug()<<logging_enabled[0][0]; qdebug()<<severity_name[0]; qdebug()<<"1"; }

it produces



and crashes @ qstring trace

as piotr s. said, problem logstaticinitiallizer constructor called before initialization in source file.

also, there unrelated main problem reserved identifiers starting __. see what rules using underscore in c++ identifier?

c++ arrays qt forward-declaration qstring


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