c# - .NET4.5 Binding a Combobox to a Dictionary Issues. WPF -
c# - .NET4.5 Binding a Combobox to a Dictionary Issues. WPF -
i'm maintaining internal wpf app has combobox bound dictionary property in viewmodel. app written in vs2010 targeting .net4.0 , worked fine.
user machines auto updating .net4.5 & particular combobox not displaying values in ui @ runtime. binding dictionary in app. i've scoured output window in vs2013 there's no apparent binding errors etc. there method populates dictionary & populated correctly & i've implemented inpc. there difference in way .net4.5 binds dictionaries?
<combobox itemssource="{binding path=modelarticletypecodetochangetitlemap, mode=twoway, updatesourcetrigger=propertychanged}" converter={staticresource invertboolconverter}}" issynchronizedwithcurrentitem="true" displaymemberpath="value" selectedvaluepath="key" selectedvalue="{binding modelselectedarticletypecode}" text="{binding modelenteredtitle}" />
viewmodel property:
private dictionary<string, string> _modelarticletypecodetotitlemapfilteredbycategory = modelarticletypecodetotitlemap; public dictionary<string, string> modelarticletypecodetotitlemapfilteredbycategory { { homecoming _modelarticletypecodetochangetitlemap; } set { _modelarticletypecodetochangetitlemap = value; onpropertychanged("modelarticletypecodetochangetitlemap"); } }
ok, issue due implementation of inotifypropertychanged not working static property. wrote static version of propertychanged event , raised event in property setter:
// inotifypropertychanged event static properties! public static event eventhandler<propertychangedeventargs> staticpropertychanged; private static void notifystaticpropertychanged(string propertyname) { if (staticpropertychanged != null) { staticpropertychanged(null, new propertychangedeventargs(propertyname)); } }
private dictionary<string, string> _modelarticletypecodetotitlemapfilteredbycategory = modelarticletypecodetotitlemap; public dictionary<string, string> modelarticletypecodetotitlemapfilteredbycategory { { homecoming _modelarticletypecodetochangetitlemap; } set { _modelarticletypecodetochangetitlemap = value; notifystaticpropertychanged("modelarticletypecodetochangetitlemap"); } }
c# wpf mvvm dictionary combobox
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