node.js - Online Multimedia Streaming and Two Way communication / Conference options -

node.js - Online Multimedia Streaming and Two Way communication / Conference options -

i restart old project (open source video chat) flex/php/java. code, released in 2010, had capability of one-to-eight, two-way multimedia streaming , communication (conference call) , random video chat. re-start after 4 years without much info latest options. @ point looking towards node.js , webrtc there many questions like:

what mac , ios devices webrtc and/or flash not option. how firewalls , other obstacles, maybe native app way go..

any suggestions? have related experience, hint maybe?

on server-side, while node.js seems fastest, can resource-hungry when hitting millions. php , java did pretty fell short @ handling database connections (mysql/oracle) killing host server.

any suggestion, idea, warning or advice highly appreciated! ☀ give thanks you!

with major vendors [even microsoft] ortc / webrtc way sound / video communications. software can focus on webrtc , gain traction.

there lot of vendors provide video / multimedia conferencing capabilities. general peer peer model or mcu model back upwards larger groups. of vendors remeber top of head erizo, jitsi on open source side. there lot of webrtc vendors provide software build communications platforms , come in numerous languages. easyrtc eg node.js implementation , there other similar platforms.

so have decide value proposition of software , compare these determine usp.

node.js video-streaming sip voip webrtc


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