VB.NET Changing Colors for each line in a error message -

VB.NET Changing Colors for each line in a error message -

hi created error message contains each value of whether or not pass or fail. each entry alter color based on passed = greenish , pail = red.


fare: passed name: passed date: failed address: failed age: passed

this gets displayed in output message box, currently


when gets displayed fails background reddish , passed have greenish background. still considered new vb.net know how mouse hovers , mouseleaves. assuming need create event similar those.

thank help.

you're not going msgbox or messagebox.show, msgbox calls internally. you're going have create own form , either add together 1 label each line, in case can set forecolor each one, or else draw text using gdi+. if go label route, you'll want utilize tablelayoutpanel or flowlayoutpanel maintain them aligned correctly.

vb.net colors msg


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