gruntjs - compass socket hangup with grunt serve -

gruntjs - compass socket hangup with grunt serve -

i running grunt-contrib-compass@0.6.0 , aborting error:

node_modules/grunt-contrib-compass/node_modules/tmp/lib/tmp.js:261 throw err; ^ error: socket hang @ createhanguperror (http.js:1476:15) @ socket.socketcloselistener (http.js:1526:23) @ socket.emit (events.js:95:17) @ tcp.close (net.js:465:12)

i upgraded grunt-contrib-compass@1.0.1 , no longer exits, produces next errors/warnings (it no longer exits when happens, though says fatal)

fatal error: socket hang fatal error: socket hang

which can assume same problem improve error handling. there way improve info out of whatever throwing error? compass portion of gruntfile

compass: { options: { sassdir: '<%= %>/styles', cssdir: '.tmp/styles', generatedimagesdir: '.tmp/images/generated', imagesdir: '<%= %>/images', javascriptsdir: '<%= %>/scripts', fontsdir: '<%= %>/fonts', importpath: '<%= %>/bower_components', httpimagespath: '/images', httpgeneratedimagespath: '/images/generated', httpfontspath: 'styles/fonts', relativeassets: false, trace: true }, dist: {}, server: { options: { debuginfo: true } } },

gruntjs grunt-contrib-compass


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