OSM android does not show map tile -

OSM android does not show map tile -

i have implemented app using open street map , used osm android library that. worked before run app lately, did not display map tile @ all. changed tile provider several times did not work.

here code:

public class osmmapactivity extends sherlockactivity { protected mapview mapview; @override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(getlayoutid()); initialisemap(); } protected void initialisemap(){ mapview = (mapview)findviewbyid(r.id.mapview); mapview.settilesource(tilesourcefactory.mapquestosm); //mapink , other providers not work mapview.setmultitouchcontrols(true); } }

in additional, osm android back upwards 3rd party provider? have own osm tile server , works when display map using javascript not work in android code.

onlinetilesourcebase tilesource = new xytilesource("myosm", null, 1, 19, 256, ".png", new string[]{"http://tactile.myserver.com/osm_tiles"}); tilesourcefactory.addtilesource(tilesource); mapview.settilesource("myosm");

your reply appreciated. thanks.

edit: i'm using osmdroid-android-4.2.jar android 4.0.3

when see more closely, see map tile short time , layer overrides on it. removed other layers except base of operations layer map nil changed.

android map openstreetmap osmdroid


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