scala - Where does the config line go for a sub-project in an sbt multi-build? -

scala - Where does the config line go for a sub-project in an sbt multi-build? -

when creating sub project in sbt multi-build, i'm next instructions in the official docs found here.

i'm placing next line build.sbt file.

lazy val mysubproject = project

and when run sbt i'm getting next error.

$ sbt /home/d/projects/test/build.sbt:7: error: illegal start of simple look lazy val mysubproject = project ^

what noobie error making? line go?

the problem because used older version of sbt.

the line lazy val mysubproject = project belong in build.sbt (though otherwise set in project/build.scala).

i thought running sbt 0.13, running sbt 0.12.

after upgrading sbt version 0.13, works correctly.

scala sbt


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