static members - Class constant not accepted by php 5.4 -

static members - Class constant not accepted by php 5.4 -

i have class constant

const date_regex = '@^(19|20)\d\d[- /.](0[1-9]|1[012])[- /.](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$@';

which want utilize in static array part of string:

public static $rules = [ 'startdate' => ['required','regex:' . self::date_regex], ];

both of lines part of same class.

on dev machine (php 5.6) works fine, on staging server (php 5.4) throws next error:

syntax error, unexpected '.', expecting ']'

how can rewrite php 5.4 compatible?

php 5,4 not allow expressions in class properties declaration.

such feature has been introduced php 5.6

php static-members class-constants


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