ios - Unicode character(s) that look like iOS7 left-pointing navigation chevron -

ios - Unicode character(s) that look like iOS7 left-pointing navigation chevron -

what unicode characters closely approximate size (as big or larger capital letter) , shape of ios7+ backwards-pointing navigation bar chevron?

i'm looking hacky way utilize unicode characters simulate "navigate back" chevron view doesn't have "go back" navigation.

a regular < (less-than sign) not because it's not tall plenty , not vertically centered. ‹ (european left quote) more vertically centered it's not tall enough. ᐸ (u+1438) best i've found far because it's tall capital letter, angle 52° while ios arrow 90°, looks different , takes lot of horizontal real estate.

are there other improve options full-height chevrons have less acute angle ᐸ (u+1438) ?

it doesn't have perfect, close plenty purchase time until our team can implement custom view using real images.

try these:

left pointing angle bracket u+2329 〈 home vertical kana repeat mark u+3031 〱home

ios ios7 unicode uinavigationbar


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