wordpress - Subdomain throwing error 404 to few customers. -

wordpress - Subdomain throwing error 404 to few customers. -

i have website http://www.mouryadandu.com hosted on photo shelter. build blog , wanted host on separate hosting service. having multi site hosting service plan , decided utilize add together on domain connect blog. have pointed blog.mouryadandu.com subdomain server. dns propagation took few days able access blog , modify. when share it, people across world complaning seeing error 404 page not found. when share on facebook, throwing error 404 instead of pulling image. bulk seems not problem , don't want issue 1 time blog becomes permanent. have feeling there wrong dns settings, when inquire host, things fine @ end. have solution ?

it looks blog host has both ipv4 , ipv6 addresses:

blog.mouryadandu.com. 3600 in cname cpanel17.fozzy.com. cpanel17.fozzy.com. 14400 in cpanel17.fozzy.com. 14400 in aaaa 2a00:1178:1:43:4::11

when accessing via address (ipv4), see blog fine. when accessing via 2a00:1178:1:43:4::11 address (ipv6), cpanel redirect page (i assume 404 people have been running into).

this configuration error on blog host. can seek enabling ipv6 via cpanel (https://documentation.cpanel.net/display/ald/enable+ipv6)?

wordpress facebook-graph-api dns


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