How can I use Swift REPL with iOS SDK -

How can I use Swift REPL with iOS SDK -

can run swift repl ios sdk?

i want import , utilize uikit in repl, no success.

$ xcrun --sdk iphonesimulator8.1 --show-sdk-path /applications/ $ xcrun --sdk iphonesimulator8.1 swift welcome swift! type :help assistance. 1> import uikit /var/folders/kb/xgglxb597sv6h8b744d5vft00000gn/t/lldb/92014/repl1.swift:2:8: error: no such module 'uikit' import uikit ^ $ swift -sdk `xcrun --sdk iphonesimulator8.1 --show-sdk-path` welcome swift! type :help assistance. 1> import uikit /var/folders/kb/xgglxb597sv6h8b744d5vft00000gn/t/lldb/91881/repl1.swift:2:8: error: no such module 'uikit' import uikit ^ 1> import cocoa 2>

i'm using xcode version 6.1 (6a1052d)

the swift repl not back upwards ios device or ios simulator.

ios swift


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