oracle - Odbc Connection Error -

oracle - Odbc Connection Error -

i using odbc connection 64 bit windows 2012 server oracle database located @ 64 bit windows 2012 server.

i getting error:

error: library 'odbc' 'dbconnection' not valid physical location. error: sql error return: error: library 'odbc' 'dbconne. error: sql error return: error: library 'odbc' 'dbconne. error: library 'odbc' 'dbconnection' not valid physical location. error: sql error return: error: library 'odbc' 'dbc. error: sql error return: error: library 'odbc' 'dbc. error: library 'odbc' 'dbconnection' not valid physical location. error: sql error return: error: library 'odbc' 'dbc. error: sql error return: error: library 'odbc' 'dbc. error: library 'odbc' 'dbconnection' not valid physical location. error: sql error return: error: library 'odbc' 'dbconne. error: sql error return: error: library 'odbc' 'dbconne.

with dbconnection beingness name of odbc connection.

have installed 64 bit oracle client?

have configured tns using "net manager"? there button "test service". work?

have configured odbc scheme dsn connection using odbcad32.exe? there "test connection" button.

you question without code , without connection string. error got may because connect string not correct.

examples pyodbc documentation (

cnxn = pyodbc.connect('driver={sql server};server=localhost;database=testdb;uid=me;pwd=pass')

and simpler when dsn configured:

cnxn = pyodbc.connect('dsn=test;pwd=password')

you find connection strings specific oracle at:

but if have dsn configured , tested seek utilize it:


oracle oracle11g odbc


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