ruby on rails - Why does my extracted/scraped HTML code render as text? -

ruby on rails - Why does my extracted/scraped HTML code render as text? -

i want extract search form, this webpage, , render on "static_pages/home" page of rails app: codepen illustration of "static_pages/home"

steps taken:

i created next ruby script verify extract form:

require 'nokogiri' require 'open-uri' url = '' info = nokogiri::html(open(url)) form = data.xpath('//form[@action=""]') puts form

shifting on rails, included nokogiri , openuri in gem file , used bundle install gems.

i created staticpages controller:

class staticpagescontroller < applicationcontroller def home require 'nokogiri' require 'open-uri' url = '' info = nokogiri::html(open(url)) @form = data.xpath('//form[@action=""]') end end

and accompanying view:

<h1>staticpages#home</h1> <p>find me in app/views/static_pages/home.html.erb</p> <%= @form %>

the html code extracted rendered as text instead of html. seems either:

@form = data.xpath('//form[@action=""]')


<%= @form %>

converts extracted html text. how can insert html content have extracted html , not text?

my research has suggested using net:http.

simply putting <%= @form.html_safe %>, in view homecoming error. because @form formatted text, not html. right this:

go static pages controller , change:

@form = data.xpath('//form[@action=""]')

to @form = data.xpath('//form[@action=""]').to_html.

now @form stores html html, instead of text. render in view, need change:

<%= @form %>


<%= @form.html_safe %>

by default, rails convert <%= @form %> text security precaution; not want malicious code embedded page. declaring @form.html_safe tell rails html content intended and, hence safe. allows contents of @form render in view html.

html ruby-on-rails ruby nokogiri screen-scraping


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