ios - UIDocumentPickerViewController and 'Locations' not showing in mode UIDocumentPickerModeMoveToService -

ios - UIDocumentPickerViewController and 'Locations' not showing in mode UIDocumentPickerModeMoveToService -

i have dropbox installed on ios 8.02 ipad.

i want export files either dropbox or icloud drive via uidocumentpickerviewcontroller.

if nowadays controller using mode 'uidocumentpickermodemovetoservice'

uidocumentpickerviewcontroller *viewcontroller = [[uidocumentpickerviewcontroller alloc] initwithurl:self.datasource.myfileurl inmode:uidocumentpickermodemovetoservice]; viewcontroller.delegate = self; [self presentviewcontroller:viewcontroller animated:yes completion:^{}];

i not locations nav-bar button , cannot select dropbox alternative location...

whereas utilize mode 'uidocumentpickermodeexporttoservice' when creating controller, locations menu item...

according apple docs, there's subtle difference between 2 modes...

uidocumentpickermodeexporttoservice document picker exports local file destination outside app’s sandbox.

available in ios 8.0 , later.

uidocumentpickermodemovetoservice document picker moves local file outside app’s sandbox , provides access external file.

available in ios 8.0 , later.

which me, doesn't signal locations restricted depending on mode select.

is bug, or doing wrong here?

this appears have been bug working correctly in 8.1

ios dropbox icloud


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